Geografie - Okolí Neverwinteru

Moderátor: OneIceOne

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Tribunus Militum
Příspěvky: 749
Registrován: 10. 1. 2009 8.20

Re: Neverwinter a okolí

Příspěvek od OneIceOne »

The Sword Mountains

The sharp peaks and
hilly terrain of the Sword Mountains extend down
the coast of the Sea of Swords for nearly two hundred
miles. Long home to belligerent dwarf clans, ore
tribes, trolls, dragons, and other fearsome creatures,
this range is rarely traveled in these dangerous times.
Those foolish enough to brave the mountains often do
so in search of old mines and the ruins of civilizations
past. However, most find only death in the end.
Uživatelský avatar
Tribunus Militum
Příspěvky: 749
Registrován: 10. 1. 2009 8.20

Re: Neverwinter a okolí

Příspěvek od OneIceOne »


This sleepy mining town once served as
a convenient resting place for travelers on the High
Road. Now, the few travelers who still take this route
shun Leilon, going miles out of their way to avoid
even laying eyes on the town.
The High Tower ofThalivar long stood as a landmark
here, abandoned by a forgotten mage. For
generations, the tower proved a tempting target for
plunderers-and, too often, a grave for them as well.
The people ofLeilon knew that the tower held guardian
monsters, and they were content to leave it alone.
However, the Spellplague's twisted magic unleashed
the creatures trapped in the tower, which quickly ravaged
the helpless village. Now, the tower is a place of
terror, its magic freeZing in place all creatures whose
eyes rest upon it, even for a moment.
Uživatelský avatar
Tribunus Militum
Příspěvky: 749
Registrován: 10. 1. 2009 8.20

Re: Neverwinter a okolí

Příspěvek od OneIceOne »

Mere of Dead Men

This vast salt marsh contains
the ruins of the numerous castles, manors, and farms
it swallowed as it expanded. It takes its name from the
great armies that were drowned here when a powerfullich
flooded their battlefield. Whereas once the
High Road skirted the swamp, what now remains
of that highway plunges through its expanded borders.
Those seeking to go south to Waterdeep from
points north must often contend with the lizardfolk
that claim the territory around the road. Alternative
routes wind deeper into the mere or offinto the Sword
Mountains at the cost of extra days of travel and peril.
Uživatelský avatar
Tribunus Militum
Příspěvky: 749
Registrován: 10. 1. 2009 8.20

Re: Neverwinter a okolí

Příspěvek od OneIceOne »


Once the greatest and grandest city
in the Realms, Waterdeep's star has dimmed slightly
in the last century as the world has progressively
darkened. The great port-about a week south of
Neverwinter, or three days by sea-no longer sustains
its own navy, relying instead on mercenaries from the
island of Mint am and the city of Baldur's Gate to the
south. The city has long existed as a relatively fair and
just center of civilization.
Waterdeep is ruled by a council of twenty Masked
Lords (nobles hidden behind powerful illusions to
obscure their identities) and one Open Lord. The
current Open Lord is the boisterous and dangerous
Dagult Neverember, the so-called Lord Protector of
Neverwinter. Unlike most of the other Open Lords
in Waterdeep's history, Lord Neverember has demonstrated
an expansionist and imperialistic bent. In
recent years, he has set his Sights on Neverwinter as
the next territory in his growing empire.