
Moderátor: OneIceOne

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Princeps Penna
Příspěvky: 878
Registrován: 1. 12. 2008 16.40
Bydliště: Ryovora


Příspěvek od DenGrasse »


stavba/upgrade - 1 den/1 Force
hodnocení - equal to sorcery/conjuring (high) skil
hodnocení - equal to Force Ritual spelll
cena - 500/1 Force

Noticing magic
Perception+Intuition (6-Force, min. 1) test
- awakened character +2k
- astral perception +2k
- evident totem mask +2k

Noticing ritual spell
Assensing+Intuition (20-Force, 1 hour) Extended test
- hází gamemaster

Spell formula
- combat, 2000 cost, instruction skill x 1500 instruction cost
- health, 500 cost, instruction skill x 250 instruction cost
- detection, 500 cost, instruction skill x 250 instruction cost
- illusion, 1000 cost, instruction skill x 500 instruction cost
- manipulation, 1500 cost, instruction skill x 1000 instruction cost

Spell Force
max. Force = 2 x Magic
Overcasting - Force > Magic = Physical Drain
Force = limit of hits (not net hits) in sorcery test; not apply for Edge dice!!!

Ritual Spellcasting
- must be a spotter
Time: 12- Leaders Magic hour, min. 1
Dice pool:
- Leader: Ritual spellcasting+Magic
- Members: hits in Ritual spellcasting+Magic Test
Drain: all members

Learning spell
5 karma cost
Spellcasting+Intuition (5, 1 day) extended test; minimal 8 hour in day
- minimal skill = 3
- instruction test - Instruction+Charisma test
- hits/2 = extra dice for spell learning
failed test:
- no karma lost
- money for instructor must paid

Limited spells
+2k Drain
must have contact with fetish (spell category)
new fetish - Intuition+Magic (5, 1 hour) Extended test
Uživatelský avatar
Princeps Penna
Příspěvky: 878
Registrován: 1. 12. 2008 16.40
Bydliště: Ryovora

Re: Magie

Příspěvek od DenGrasse »


- astral: 3
- materialized: 2
- astral: Force
- materialized: Physical
- materialized: 2x Force
- Summoners Magic x 100 yards
- Out of: Remote service

- complex action
Summoning+Magic x Force Opposed test
Drain: 2x spirit hits (not net hits), min. 2
Force > Magic = physical Drain
Max. Force = 2x Magic
Net hits = service count

- complex action
Unbinding spirit: Banishing+Magic x Force
Binding spirit: Banishing+Magic x Force + (summoners) Magic
Net hits = reduces service, 0 services = spirit banished
Drain: 2x spirit hits (not net hits), min. 2

- ritual, 1 hour/1 Force
- materials: 500/1 Force
Binding+Magic x Force+Force Opposed test
1 net hit = spirit bound
2+ net hits - next services
Drain: 2x spirit hits (not net hits), min. 2
Force > Magic = physical Drain
count of bound spirits = max. Charisma

as Binding, but only to binding spirit
Net hits = services (no need 1 hit to bound)

Force 1
Astral form only, can Manifesting
Summoning+Magic Test
Net hits = 1 hour of watcher life
Drain = hour of watchers life
count of watchers = max. Charisma (extra count)
Banishing: net hits reduces hours of life
Cannot inflict physical damage - no destroy foci, barriers